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Colloidal hyaluronic acid

Colloidal hyaluron is a very special active ingredient that occurs naturally in our body.
With increasing age, however, the body's own production of hyaluronic acid also decreases. Colloidal hyaluron can bind large amounts of water and thus make our skin look smoother, plumper and more vital.


Application of colloidal hyaluron

With increasing biological age, the elasticity of the connective tissue decreases. Wrinkles and lines appear on the skin. A change in the connective tissue develops. If colloidal hyaluron is applied to the skin, it gets very quickly into the liquid connective tissue (extracellular matrix) and from there directly into the cells. Colloidal hyaluronic acid absolutely needs colloidal silicon dioxide in order to improve its own effect in the basic substance of the connective tissue. If hyaluronic acid is to be applied to the skin, it must be in colloidal form.

Hyaluronic acid in non-colloidal form, for example through injections, ointments, creams, disrupts the functional harmony of the basic substance of the connective tissue and can lead to undesirable side effects.

SiriSana GmbH

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Note: For reasons of competition law we are obliged to point out that the technology presented here (similar to e.g. homeopathy, bioresonance and areas of acupuncture) is not yet in accordance with the predominant orthodox scientific opinion and doctrine.

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